Victory Fire Acres recently started our breeding program!
We are currently breeding:

Why Rabbits?
Silver Fox rabbits are one of the most docile breeds of rabbits. The bucks are curious and friendly. Does are shy but sweet once you make friends.
Rabbits are ideal pets due to their quiet nature, ability to be litter box trained and low feed cost. They are intelligent enough to learn simple tricks like fetching a toy. They do not require much space but do require to items like sticks and lava rock to chew along with places to scratch to keep their ever-growing teeth and nails the right length.
Rabbits are self-cleaning like cats but don't knock items off shelves. They do require some brushing to help removed loose fur, but birds love to use this down for nests.
They come in 3 colors, black, chocolate, and blue. All the variants can have the distinct silver pinning that only shows up in a handful of domestic rabbit breeds.
Silver Foxes make great meals and help grow their own sides too!
Rabbit is one of the leanest meats available. They rival chicken in their growth rate, only needing 12 weeks for fryers and 16 weeks for roasters. They have a 60-65% dress out rate or meat to bone ratio. Fur is easier to remove than feathers, so no special equipment is required for processing.
Their manure is the only animal waste than does not need to be composted prior to use in the garden. Rabbit pellets are considered "cold" manure and is safe to use directly on plants with no fear of burning delicate leaves and stems. It is the perfect fertilizer for growing seedlings and the poo pebbles break down in water to make a "tea" for foliar fertilizing.
The Silver Fox rabbit was bred to mimic fox fur. They are the only breed of domesticated rabbit to have a "standing" fur or a fur that feels the same being stroked backward and forward. It is one of the traits evaluated in shows for length, coloring regularity and the stand-up quality that resists laying down like other breeds.
They can become fully silvered out around 16 weeks old around the same time they are at peak dress out rate.
Not only is the fur soft, plush and beautiful, it's also dense and warm. It is the perfect fur for lining of winter gear and is often used in gloves, hats and jackets.
Silver Fox rabbits are an original American breed (read more on their description page) and are being tracked by the American Livestock Conservancy. This nonprofit follows the registration of heritage breeds to help encourage their spread and recovery.
Silver Fox rabbits have come from less and 1000 registered breeders considered "threatened" to thier current status of "in recovery" with and estimated population of less than 2000. There are now more than 200 annual new registrations, 500 shows including the breed and more than 60 registered breeders.
Victory Fire Acres is a registered rabbitry with the American Rabbit Breeders Association. We hope you will consider adding rabbits to your family.
We are an ARBA registered Rabbitry # D12346
We fell in love with rabbits and think you will too! Help us save this heritage breed while providing your family with fluffy, cuddly love and maybe some food too.